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Born in Israel, lives and works in Tel Aviv


1987-1989      Shenkar College of Engineering and                                  Design, Ramat Gan

1983-1986      Hamidrasha School of Art, Beit Berl                                    College

1982-1983      Avni Institute of Art and Design, Tel Aviv

Solo Exhibitions

2015                Group Portrait, Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv

2012                After the Sun Sets, Julie M. Gallery, Tel                              Aviv

                         Looking at Eva Rothschild, Julie M.                                      Gallery, Tel Aviv

2011                Black Mamba (joint exhibition with Ruthi                          Helvitz Cohen), Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv

2009                Gray Expanses, part of the project "5                                Artists: Wondrous Worlds, Tel Aviv                                      Museum of Art

                         Landscape with Birds, permanent                                      installation at the Art+ Hotel, Tel Aviv

2007                Bubbles, Naggar School of Photography,                          Media and New Music, Musrara,                                        Jerusalem

2005                Crispy, The Heder Contemporary Art                                  Gallery, Tel Aviv

2004                Fuschia, Tmuna Theater Gallery, Tel Aviv

2003                Modular Space, Herzliya Museum of                                  Contemporary Art

2001                Office No. 6, Office in Tel Aviv Gallery, Tel                          Aviv; Beit Kanner Municipal Gallery,                                  Rishon LeZion

2000                Works, Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center

1998                A Trap of Pearls, Limbus Gallery, Tel Aviv

1997                36-24-36, part of the "10 in Musrara"                                project, the Jerusalem Center for the                                Visual Arts, Jerusalem

1996                Clothes, Limbus Gallery, Tel Aviv

Selected Group Exhibitions

2016                Popup, Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv

2015                Beuys, Beuys, Beuys, Contemporary                                  Gallery, Tel Aviv

                         Fluid Color: Contemporary Israeli                                      Watercolor, Kfar Saba Municipal Gallery

2014                To the Water, Hanina Gallery, Tel Aviv

                         Light Box in the Dark Room, part of the                            Musrara Mix Festival #14, Jerusalem

                         Rise Against, Jerusalem Print Workshop,                          Jerusalem

2013                One... One..., Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv

                         Growing Object, Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv

2012                Aspects of Black, Jerusalem Print                                        Workshop, Jerusalem

                         Closing Party, The Heder Contemporary                          Art Gallery, Tel Aviv

                         End of the World 2012, Meyuhas Gallery,                          Tel Aviv

                         Not for Sale, Memorial Center Art                                      Gallery, Tivon

                         Random, BAAD Gallery, Tel Aviv

2011                Site Specific, The Open Gallery, Open                                University Campus, Raanana

                         Up and Down You're Turning Me, Gallery                          121, Tel Aviv

2010                Fresh Paint Art Fair, Jaffa Port, Tel Aviv

2009                History of Violence, Haifa Museum of Art

2008                Depletion: Works from the Doron                                       Sebbag Art Collection, Tel Aviv Museum                            of Art

                         Sunset, The Heder Contemporary Art                                Gallery, Tel Aviv

                         Preview Berlin Art Fair, Berlin

2007                Sweet 16, Bat Yam Museum for                                          Contemporary Art

                         The Beauty of the Void, Gallery 39, Tel                              Aviv

                         Traces III, Biennial of Drawing, Artists’                                House, Jerusalem

2006                Changing Situations, Bait Banamal,                                    Comme il Faut, Tel Aviv

                         Paperwork, The Heder Contemporary                              Art Gallery, Tel Aviv

                         Disruptions, Petach Tikva Museum of Art

                         Tracing Shadows, The Israel Museum,                                Jerusalem

                         Partners, Beit Hagefen, Haifa

2005                In-Out, Ashdod Art Museum, Monart                                Center

                         On the Banks of the Yarkon: The Yarkon                            River in Israeli Art, Tel Aviv Museum of                              Art

                         Drawing Sketches, P.K. Hoenich Gallery                            for Experimental Art and Architecture at                          the Technion, Haifa

2004                Winners of the Ministry of Science,                                    Culture and Sports Prizes, Haifa                                          Museum of Art

                         In Your Dreams, Greendag Gallery,                                    Herzliya

                         To Pull a Rabbit Out of the Hat,                                          Municipal Gallery, Rehovot; Memorial                                Center Art Gallery, Tivon

                         A City Seen Through the Eye of the                                    Camera, Haifa City Museum

2002                Home Sweet Home, Museum of Israeli                              Art, Ramat Gan

2001                Four x Four, Ashdod Art Museum                                      Monart Center; Arad Museum

                         Office Artists in a T-Shirt, Office in Tel                                Aviv Gallery, Tel Aviv

                         Traces: Contemporary Drawing in Israel,                          Biennial of Drawing, Anna

2000                Life in Tandem, Rishon LeZion                                            Auditorium

                         Works following Intimadance: Tali Ben                              Bassat & Reut Firster, Tmuna Theater                                Gallery, Tel Aviv

1999                1+1=3: A More or Less Complete Part,                              Hamumche Gallery, Tel Aviv

                         Tight-Fitting, University of Haifa Art                                    Gallery

1998                The Photographer's Child, New Art                                    Workshop, Ramat Eliyahu

                         Speechless Body?, Camera Obscura                                  Gallery, Tel Aviv

                         Women in the Reality World, Limbus                                  Gallery, Tel Aviv

1996                Station Transformation: Project #3,                                    Tel Aviv Mall, New Central Bus Station,                              Tel Aviv


2003                Encouragement Prize, Israeli Ministry of                            Science, Culture and Sports

2002                Acquisition Prize, Israeli Ministry of                                    Science, Culture and Sports

Benbassat's work is included in several museum, public and private collections, among which are Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Ashdod Art Museum, The Doron Sebbag Art Collection and The Angel family art collection

Born in Israel, lives and works in Tel Aviv


1987-1989        Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, Ramat Gan

1983-1986        Hamidrasha School of Art, Beit Berl College

1982-1983        Avni Institute of Art and Design, Tel Aviv

Solo Exhibitions

2015                  Group Portrait, Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv

2012                  After the Sun Sets, Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv

                           Looking at Eva Rothschild, Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv

2011                  Black Mamba (joint exhibition with Ruthi Helvitz Cohen), Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv

2009                  Gray Expanses, part of the project "5 Artists: Wondrous Worlds, Tel Aviv Museum of Art

                           Landscape with Birds, permanent installation at the Art+ Hotel, Tel Aviv

2007                  Bubbles, Naggar School of Photography, Media and New Music, Musrara, Jerusalem

2005                  Crispy, The Heder Contemporary Art Gallery, Tel Aviv

2004                  Fuschia, Tmuna Theater Gallery, Tel Aviv

2003                  Modular Space, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art

2001                  Office No. 6, Office in Tel Aviv Gallery, Tel Aviv; Beit Kanner Municipal Gallery, Rishon LeZion

2000                  Works, Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center

1998                  A Trap of Pearls, Limbus Gallery, Tel Aviv

1997                  36-24-36, part of the "10 in Musrara" project, the Jerusalem Center for the Visual Arts, Jerusalem

1996                  Clothes, Limbus Gallery, Tel Aviv

Selected Group Exhibitions

2016                  Popup, Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv

2015                  Beuys, Beuys, Beuys, Contemporary Gallery, Tel Aviv

                           Fluid Color: Contemporary Israeli Watercolor, Kfar Saba Municipal Gallery

2014                  To the Water, Hanina Gallery, Tel Aviv

                           Light Box in the Dark Room, part of the Musrara Mix Festival #14, Jerusalem

                           Rise Against, Jerusalem Print Workshop, Jerusalem

2013                  One... One..., Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv

                           Growing Object, Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv

2012                  Aspects of Black, Jerusalem Print Workshop, Jerusalem

                           Closing Party, The Heder Contemporary Art Gallery, Tel Aviv

                           End of the World 2012, Meyuhas Gallery, Tel Aviv

                           Not for Sale, Memorial Center Art Gallery, Tivon

                           Random, BAAD Gallery, Tel Aviv

2011                  Site Specific, The Open Gallery, Open University Campus, Raanana

                           Up and Down You're Turning Me, Gallery 121, Tel Aviv

2010                  Fresh Paint Art Fair, Jaffa Port, Tel Aviv

2009                  History of Violence, Haifa Museum of Art

2008                  Depletion: Works from the Doron Sebbag Art Collection, Tel Aviv Museum of Art

                           Sunset, The Heder Contemporary Art Gallery, Tel Aviv

                           Preview Berlin Art Fair, Berlin

2007                  Sweet 16, Bat Yam Museum for Contemporary Art

                           The Beauty of the Void, Gallery 39, Tel Aviv

                           Traces III, Biennial of Drawing, Artists’ House, Jerusalem

2006                  Changing Situations, Bait Banamal, Comme il Faut, Tel Aviv

                           Paperwork, The Heder Contemporary Art Gallery, Tel Aviv

                           Disruptions, Petach Tikva Museum of Art

                           Tracing Shadows, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

                           Partners, Beit Hagefen, Haifa

2005                  In-Out, Ashdod Art Museum, Monart Center

                           On the Banks of the Yarkon: The Yarkon River in Israeli Art, Tel Aviv Museum of Art

                           Drawing Sketches, P.K. Hoenich Gallery for Experimental Art and Architecture at the Technion, Haifa

2004                  Winners of the Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports Prizes, Haifa Museum of Art

                           In Your Dreams, Greendag Gallery, Herzliya

                           To Pull a Rabbit Out of the Hat, Municipal Gallery, Rehovot; Memorial Center Art Gallery, Tivon

                           A City Seen Through the Eye of the Camera, Haifa City Museum

2002                  Home Sweet Home, Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat Gan

2001                  Four x Four, Ashdod Art Museum Monart Center; Arad Museum

                           Office Artists in a T-Shirt, Office in Tel Aviv Gallery, Tel Aviv

                           Traces: Contemporary Drawing in Israel, Biennial of Drawing, Anna

2000                  Life in Tandem, Rishon LeZion Auditorium

                           Works following Intimadance: Tali Ben Bassat & Reut Firster, Tmuna Theater Gallery, Tel Aviv

1999                  1+1=3: A More or Less Complete Part, Hamumche Gallery, Tel Aviv

                           Tight-Fitting, University of Haifa Art Gallery

1998                  The Photographer's Child, New Art Workshop, Ramat Eliyahu

                           Speechless Body?, Camera Obscura Gallery, Tel Aviv

                           Women in the Reality World, Limbus Gallery, Tel Aviv

1996                  Station Transformation: Project #3, Tel Aviv Mall, New Central Bus Station, Tel Aviv


2003                  Encouragement Prize, Israeli Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports

2002                  Acquisition Prize, Israeli Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports

Benbassat's work is included in several museum, public and private collections, among which are Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Ashdod Art Museum, The Doron Sebbag Art Collection and The Angel family art collection

© All rights are reserved to Tali Benbassat

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